We don’t book flights for our clients but we hope that you will find this information page helpful. Italy is very well-served by airlines flying from the UK, and the list of departure airports and destinations is growing all the time.
We advise that you check the airlines’ websites listed below for further details. They offer mainly scheduled flights but a travel agent will be able to advise you of any charter flights which may also be of interest.
Here is a guide to the Italian airports and the areas they serve:
Northern Italy: | Brescia, Genoa, Treviso (for Venice ), Turin, Milan, Venice, Verona, Trieste. |
Central Italy: | Pisa, Bologna, Florence, Forli, Ancona, Rome (Ciampino and Fiumicino), Pescara, Rimini.(N.B. For Tuscany, choose Pisa, Bologna, Florence, Forli or Perugia.For Umbria, choose Perugia or Rome.)
Southern Italy: | Naples, Lamezia, Bari, Brindisi. |
Sardinia: | Alghero, Olbia, Cagliari. |
Sicily: | Palermo, Catania, Trapani |
Click on the links below to access the airlines’ own websites.
RYANAIR (www.ryanair.com)
EASYJET (www.easyjet.com)
BRITISH AIRWAYS (www.ba.com)
ALITALIA (www.alitalia.co.uk)
MERIDIANA (www.meridiana.it)
BMI (www.flybmi.com)
JET2 AIRWAYS (www.jet2.com)
CITYJET (www.cityjet.com)
© 2000-2025 One Stop Italy. 19 Childs Road, Hethersett, Norwich NR9 3HW, UK